Sunday, July 5, 2009

Article: Eclectic Witch: I Am the World

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Eclectic Witch: I Am the World


What does it mean to be an Eclectic Witch? This may mean many different things to many different people. However, I think that what it means to be an Eclectic Witch is this: to be at a state of oneness with the whole of Gaia, and all of her cultures and traditions.

Eclectic Witches reclaim spirituality from many sources, including their Ancestral traditions, traditions from their past lives, traditions from the land upon which they reside, traditions that they have a special connection to, and traditions that have truly made a calling to their hearts. They also realize that the whole of Gaia is our tribe, and it is beneficial to look at all traditions, cultures, variations of magick and Witchcraft, religions, and spiritualities for Awen, divine inspiration.

So now lets take a look at what it means to be an Eclectic Witch.

One source from which Eclectics may choose their traditions is from Ancestral traditions. This can mean two different things: Your genetic ancestors, whose blood you carry in your veins and arteries, or the ancestry of your soul, traditions and cultures that you were involved in during past lives. The traditions of your genetic ancestors can be a powerful thing to reclaim.

Look at the veins on your wrist and forearm, or put your hand to your chest and feel your heart pumping. Just sit for a few seconds and watch or listen to the blood flowing and pumping through your veins, through your heart. That blood that flows through your veins is a sacred mixture of blood that once pumped through the veins of your ancestors! Whether you are Asian or African, European or Hispanic, reconnect with your blood!

Reconnect with your genes, and realize that your great-great-great-great-great-grandmother or father could have been a Druid or a Stregha, a Brahmin or a Mambo, a Shaman or a Saint. Reconnect with the traditions of your ancestors, and feel the primordial life blood which flows and pumps through your veins. This is definitely a part of being and Eclectic Witch.

Another way of reclaiming your ancestry is by reclaiming the traditions of your past lives, if you know of them. If you do not know of them, then it's a great idea to do some past life regression, as it can be a profound experience. Many Witches feel called to cultures and traditions based on past life experience with them.

If you have had a past life as a Celt or as a Sumerian, research the spiritual traditions of those cultures. It may give you a marvelous sense of homecoming, a return to what you have known before, a piece of your souls history. Research this bit of who you are as an Eclectic Witch, and reclaim your ancestors of body and soul.

Another source from which Eclectics may draw Awen from is the traditions and spiritual practices of the natives of the land upon which you live. If you are a native to the land upon which you reside, and if you have taken Paganism as your religion, then you most likely have this covered. However, most of us in the United States and Canada are not Native American. Most of us trace our bloodlines back to Europe, Africa, or Asia. These are our true homelands.

However, you have lived in America your whole life, you still have a very strong connection to the spirits of place here, especially if your family has lived here for many generations. A great way to connect to the land upon which you live is by researching and practicing the spiritual customs of the natives of the land, who really know it best. If you live in the America Southwest, for example, you might look into the customs of the Hohokam, Navajo, or Pueblo peoples. Not only will it deepen your connection to the land, but it is also fun to learn about the people who stood here many years ago. Witches strive to be at one with out land, so we should look to the practices of those who have attained oneness with it before us.

A fourth vehicle to the Divine that many Eclectic Witches draw practices from is from traditions and spiritualities that they have special connections to, and unique spiritualities that have made a calling to their hearts for seemingly unknown reason. You might be asking yourself what I mean when I say that one may be drawn to a tradition that they have "special connections" to. Like Eclecticism itself, it can mean many different things to many different people.

One might have a teacher who has been highly influenced by Hellenic Paganism, and whose matron is Artemis, and might develop a strong connection to Artemis' energy as a result. One might have a spirit guide who is Egyptian, and therefore have a connection to Kemetic Witchcraft as a result. There are really endless reasons why someone might have a special connection to something that is not "theirs", per say.

The last reason I will discuss here that one may feel called to a tradition is for a reason that they really cannot put their finger on. The tradition just calls to their hearts and spirits, and they follow that call because that is what the Divine tells them to do.

If you have specific interest in a tradition, or it calls to you for a reason that you really do not know, explore it! This is a sacred opportunity to broaden your spiritual worldview. It doesn't mean that you have to give up your current beliefs. Rather, integrate them with the ones you have currently, as all traditions come from the same source, and therefore bear similarities to each other in some way, shape, or form. Do not be afraid to explore currently unknown traditions. Just let the Gods and Goddesses take you where their will is to take you, and you will always be safe within their arms, even when times are tough.

In conclusion, being an Eclectic Witch means to be at a state of oneness with the whole of the planet, and all of her traditions and spiritualities. At one time in history, Pagans worshiped the gods and spirits of where they were from, and as cultures intermingled, so did the Gods and Goddesses and the traditions and religions of the cultures, as seen in the worship of Isis in not only Egypt, but also Rome. But now we are faced with a new age of technology and advancement.

We are no longer single tribes. The whole of the world has become our tribe. Eclectic Witches realize that, in reality, we are all related. Mitakuye Oyasin, as the Native Americans say. So, realize that we are all one, and, as Witches of any and every tradition, let us act as such.

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